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Writer's pictureSean Shultz

Restore. Rebuild. Renew.

Why run for mayor? My goal is to restore Carlisle even stronger than it was pre-crisis, to rebuild from the health and economic crisis in a way that meets our goals on racial equity and climate change, and to renew our efforts on economic development for the betterment of all our residents and businesses.

My parents instilled in me a dedication to service. As a husband, a father of two young children, a volunteer firefighter, and a local attorney, I have seen life in Carlisle from various vantage points that have enriched my understanding of the issues facing our residents and my appreciation for how special this town is.

Nationally and locally, we are at an intersection of a number of issues. I believe I bring the most capable experience and accomplished record to navigate us to through the recovery from the pandemic. I, like so many of you, have grown tired of partisan bickering where too often it seems people think they earn points for outshouting the other side. We should demand thoughtfulness and civility from our elected officials. I believe that there is no more noble way to lead than by putting service first—being one who seeks common ground to serve our diverse citizens. We're stronger together when we look out for each other.

In the coming days and weeks, this will be a space to explore what we can rebuild together here in Carlisle out of the rubble of the COVID-19 pandemic. There has been so much grief and difficulty over the last year, but we owe it to all who have left us behind to redouble our efforts, to renew our dedication to community and neighbors. While we will never forget the tragedy and turmoil of this crisis, we can make the best of this opportunity to break down barriers to our collective success and prosperity. I look forward to outlining my vision for you as we forge onward.

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